Our water dependent footings come in many iterations. We provide a top-quality, predetermined silica-fiber blend. Additionally, we can create a custom blended footing with local masonry sand to meet individual usage and budget requirements.

Superior Riding Surface (SRS)

SRS is a water-dependent footing.  When properly hydrated this is a high-performance blend that will stand up to heavy traffic. SRS provides excellent traction, stability, and cushion. It offers the ability to be custom blended to meet your needs, formulated to withstand the traffic  and impact of a competitive horse show, and can be blended into a softer mix for lighter use.


We realize that not all facilities have an equal budget. Our Econoblend footing provides the ability to work together and within financial boundaries, while maintaining our rigid standards of safety and performance for both horse and rider. We proudly provide less costly options in order to protect your horse, improve your surface, and plan for a FootingFirst™ future.

Dust Free Surfaces
Subterranean Products